YouthBuild USA
Full affiliate member since 2003

YouthBuild USA
LA CAUSA has been an active and engaged member of the YouthBuild Affiliated Network since 2003.
In YouthBuild programs such as LA CAUSA YouthBuild, opportunity youth ages 16 to 24 reclaim their education, gain job skills, and become leaders in their communities. The Affiliated Network consists of 155 local YouthBuild programs, which voluntarily join the network for the purpose of operation, and supporting each other to work together for the benefit of opportunity youth around the country.
As a YouthBuild Affiliate, LA CAUSA, Inc. agrees to implement a YouthBuild program model that is faithful to and consistent with the core YouthBuild program elements serving opportunity youth, pay annual membership dues, and submit quarterly student performance data. LA CAUSA, Inc. continues to follow through on these requirements and is a member in good standing.
For more information, visit YouthBuild USA.