Safety Drill
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!
Dear Parents and Guardians
Thank you for choosing the LA CAUSA YouthBuild program and YouthBuild Charter School of California to provide educational services to your child. We are proud to be able to serve you and your child and we will continually strive to provide a safe learning environment. As part of our program's annual safety plan and response in case of an emergency, we would like to share important safety procedures/instructions. It is necessary that we practice our emergency and crisis response plans by having drills designed to exercise our procedures.

Once every Trimester, all students and staff will be practicing 3 emergency drills: 1) Fire drill,
2) Lockdown drill, and 3) Evacuation drill. Each type of drill is explained below:
Fire Drill - we will conduct one “fire drill” at the beginning of each Trimester when school/programming is in session. The purpose is for students to be aware, understand the importance, and not be afraid in the case of a fire alarm. By practicing they will understand the plan and know what to do.
Lockdown drill - we will conduct one “lockdown drill” at the beginning of each Trimester when school/programming is in session. The purpose of this drill is to secure the building and safely shelter all students and staff inside to keep safe from any danger inside or outside the building. During the “lockdown drill”, all of the doors within our facility will remain locked until the danger or issue outside or inside the building is resolved. During this time no one will be allowed to enter or leave the building until the drill is completed.
Evacuation drill - we will conduct one “evacuation drill” at the beginning of each Trimester when school/programming is in session. The purpose is for students to learn and understand the route and location in which they will be escorted by staff. During the “evacuation drill” students will be safely escorted along a designated evacuation route to the predetermined evacuation location (parking lot of building next door located at: corner of Whittier Blvd. & Garfield Ave.)
The above safety practice drills are done to help maintain our educational space as a safe place to learn and work.
Additional information:
As part of the Safety Plan workshop, all students will participate in an emergency evacuation drill that will take place once every trimester. The emergency evacuation plan shall provide escape routes for all students and staff. Students and staff will be informed of escape routes, and a map shall be placed in each room specifying the routes and procedures for evacuating the building.
In the case of an emergency, you will be immediately contacted by the counselor/registrar and/or front office clerk. The counselor/registrar will communicate instructions to the parent/guardian prior to pick up.
In order for your minor child to be released to another adult other than the parent, they will need to be included in the enrollment application. Please make sure that your contact information is current at all times so that you can be reached without a delay in the event of an emergency.
In the event of an evacuation, all students and staff will meet at this location: (parking lot in the shopping center next door - at the corner of Whittier Blvd and Garfield Ave.)
If you have any questions regarding any of these Safety Drills or other safety concerns, please contact the Director’s office at: (323) 887-2500 ext. 1078. On behalf of the LA CAUSA YouthBuild teachers and program staff, we look forward to serving you in the 2022-2023 academic year.
We thank you for your cooperation!
Virginia Reyes
Executive Director